Draw open the curtains before the Curtain Call

stress depression mental health doodle

The Brain is the most complex organ of the human body. Billions of nerves communicate with trillions of connections. There are decillion thoughts; good, worrisome, bad, exciting, that go through each day. But what if the one thought, one persistent thought, one wounding thought haunts you every day and you feel like ending the pain? Instead of brooding and mulling over the same demons, it feels calmer when you think of perishing, relinquishing life. This is the time you must have the assistance to draw open the curtains and let the light in, instead of the final curtain call.

 To win the fight against the fiends of our mind, it is crucial to get an expert’s help. It feels natural and comfortable to talk to a friend or a family member. But they are not equipped to deal with complex matters of the Brain. They will help you, support you through it all but guidance should come through a licensed professional. Let’s normalize mental illness. Let’s acknowledge the fact that just like our body goes through ailing and healing, so does our mind. Let’s start by not using words like depression loosely when referring to normal sadness. When a friend/ family member needs you to listen or is showing signs of depression, do not shun them away by asking them to get over it.

We are all in this together! Listen, be patient, be kind, meditate, take time off, introspect!

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